Thursday, November 23, 2006

The Science of Sleep

Shame on the Bloor: I have just wasted five dollars on going to see this film, which is a right old pile of poo. It was billed a comedy, but it isn't funny, unless a couple of men dropping a piano down some stairs actually is hilarious, as all the fifteen year olds in the cinema seemed to believe. It also thinks it's very avant garde and quirky, which it's not. It has dream sequences in it, which are almost invariably utterly boring unless you're clever enough to be David Lynch. One online review said it "demands to be seen more than once", but I left after 45 minutes.
I can't remember when I last walked out of a film. I felt like walking out of some Chinese effort I went to see in Aberdeen about silent married people, but somehow forbore. I don't think I even left "Dick Tracy", for anyone who remembers that dogturd of a film. I should have left "Moonwalk". I would have left "Speed", but by the time I'd given up hoping it would get better it had ended. I remember wishing I could leave "Spring Summer Autumn Winter and Spring" a couple of years ago: it was about a floating monastery with one inhabitant and was every bit as fascinating as it sounds. It memorably included a sequence fully ten minutes in length of nothing but a small man dragging a big rock up a hill.
At the moment I feel rather like a small man dragging a big rock up a hill in an endlessly protracted cinematic sequence, possibly one which has been surreptitiously switched on to a loop (a la "Speed"...), so that I could be doing it for eternity and no one would notice. They would just be obliviously snoring into their popcorn. Or they'd have left.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was going to harangue you for not liking Speed, but then I remembered that you hate Horace too. So I shouldn't have been surprised.

5:39 am  
Blogger Jenny said...

So at least there's *one* benefit to the otherwise infuriating ''intervals'' that you get in the middle of films here on the continent - it's a good excuse to slip away....

1:49 pm  

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