This is my niece Alessandra, born last Saturday in Milan. She is four days old here, and being held by her daddy (my brother). I don't know what else to say about her, really: either you have had the transfiguring experience of holding a tiny newborn for the first time and falling hopelessly, irrevocably in love, in which case you've no need of my descriptions; or else you haven't, in which case you're probably not interested in hearing me go on about it. She is the coolest and loveliest thing I have ever seen.
What a little bundle of loveliness! I look forward to seeing her at some unspecified future time. I am going to call you Auntie from now on : )
Hello! And by the way, what does "Sera nimis vita est crastina: vive hodie" mean? I suspect it might be cod-latin.
Glen xx
The epigram is ascribed to Seneca, I think: whether that counts as cod Latin or not rather depends on your perspective. It means "The life of tomorrow is too late: live today" which, cod or not and SEneca or not, I think is a reasonable message.
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